House debates

Thursday, 7 December 2023

Questions to the Speaker

Parliamentary Standards

11:49 am

Photo of Paul FletcherPaul Fletcher (Bradfield, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Government Services and the Digital Economy) Share this | Hansard source

on indulgence—I have a question for you about a matter of House practice and procedure. As you would be aware, last night the House considered a message from the Senate concerning the Migration and Other Legislation Amendment (Bridging Visas, Serious Offenders and Other Measures) Bill 2023. During this time, the Leader of the House was speaking in an agitated fashion with the clerks about the operation of the standing orders. On any objective measure, the manner in which the Leader of the House chose to engage with the clerks was aggressive and intimidatory and not consistent with the standards of respect that the professional public servants who serve us in this place have the right to expect from members.

Mr Speaker, can I ask whether you have had regard to ensuring the welfare of the clerks at the table? May I ask you to investigate this incident, including speaking with those involved and reviewing the video? May I ask whether you would make a statement to the House, once you've investigated it, clarifying your expectations as to how interactions between members and the clerks ought to be conducted?


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