House debates

Wednesday, 6 December 2023


Murphy, Ms Peta Jan

6:58 pm

Photo of Cassandra FernandoCassandra Fernando (Holt, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

It is with deep sorrow and a heavy heart that we mourn the passing of our esteemed colleague, the incredible Peta Murphy. Something Peta and I have in common is being the first female members for our respective seats. Peta was more than just a fellow parliamentarian; she was a beacon of strength, resilience and unwavering dedication to her constituents and to the causes she held dear. Peta's untimely departure leaves a void that will be felt not only in this chamber but also in the hearts of those who were touched by her grace, wisdom and unyielding spirit.

I had the privilege of sitting next to Peta in parliament, witnessing firsthand her commitment to the people of Dunkley and her tireless efforts to bring about positive change. It is hard to sit here now without her by my side. Peta's passion for justice and equality was evident in every action she took, both within the political arena and in her personal life. During my early days in the House, Peta offered me invaluable advice, guidance and a warm welcome, which continued to be a source of inspiration throughout my tenure. She mentored me and pulled my head in when I was causing a bit of ruckus in the House—most question times, actually.

Peta's battle with cancer served as a reminder of the challenges faced by so many Australians. Breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent forms of cancer, affecting countless lives across our nation. The statistics are sobering, with one in seven Australian women diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 85. Metastatic breast cancer in particular presents unique challenges. Peta was a fierce advocate for greater awareness and support for those living with this treatable but not curable form of disease. In her advocacy work, Peta recognised that visibility is crucial for addressing healthcare needs adequately. Her dedication to this cause culminated in the support of Breast Cancer Network Australia's report Time to count people with metastatic breast cancer: a way forward. The report was a roadmap for reporting the vital data that will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected.

Peta's commitment to her community remained unwavering, even during her most challenging days. She worked tirelessly until the very last day, exemplifying her belief that service to our nation is the highest calling. Her determination was not only a testament to her character but an inspiration to all who knew her. Peta was not just a politician; she was a compassionate human being who faced adversity with unparalleled courage and grace. Her advocacy transcends personal battles, aiming to improve the lives of countless Australians facing similar challenges. Her legacy will endure through the positive changes she fought for, and her impact on the lives of those she served will be felt for generations to come. Even in her final moments, Peta retained her dignity, strength and trademark sense of humour. She lived and died on her terms, never wanting to be a burden, and always faced adversity with unparalleled courage. Peta's life was a testament to the power of hope, resilience and an unwavering commitment to justice.

As we mourn her passing, let us also celebrate the incredible legacy she leaves behind. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends and all those who had the privilege of knowing this extraordinary woman that sat next to me. May Peta Murphy rest in peace, knowing that her spirit will continue to inspire us all. God bless you. God bless us all. May her memory be a guiding light in our collective journey toward a more compassionate and just society. Rest in peace, my friend. It was so good to see you last Tuesday. Your last words to me I couldn't write in this speech. As she walked up, I grabbed her hand and I said, 'I'll see you soon,' and she said, 'You will not see me soon.' You will be really missed, Peta Murphy. Rest in peace.


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