House debates

Thursday, 30 November 2023


Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs

2:47 pm

Photo of Peter DuttonPeter Dutton (Dickson, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

I seek leave to move the following motion:

That the House:

(1) expresses its grave concern that:

(a) the Albanese Government's catastrophic handling of the NZYQ High Court case has resulted in the mass release of hardened criminals from detention into the Australian community;

(b) the Government released child rapists, murderers, sex offenders, people smugglers, drug dealers and outlaw motorcycle gang members;

(c) many of these criminals are repeat offenders and are almost certain to offend again;

(d) the Minister for Immigration has now released 142 highly dangerous individuals, when the High Court's full reasons make clear he was only required to release the applicant NZYQ;

(e) the Minister for Immigration's agreement in May that there was no real prospect of NZYQ being removed from Australia in the reasonably foreseeable future was made before all resettlement options had been exhausted and led directly to the loss of the case;

(f) the Minister for Immigration claimed these criminals were on visas with strict conditions and then later admitted that those conditions were completely unenforceable;

(g) the Minister of Immigration lost one of those dangerous criminals for a week and refuses to take responsibility or to explain how this happened; and

(h) the Minister for Immigration claimed no legislative response was required and to this day is having to be forcibly spoonfed new laws by the coalition.

(2) condemns the Albanese Government for:

(a) causing the greatest failure of Australia's immigration system since 50,000 people, including NZYQ, arrived on more than 800 boats under Labor;

(b) catastrophically failing to prepare for a High Court decision, despite having almost six months warning;

(c) failing at every step following the court's decision to take the action necessary to keep Australians safe; and

(d) putting Australian lives at risk by undertaking a chaotic and uncontrolled mass release of hardened criminals into the community.

(3) calls on the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to resign or for the Prime Minister to enforce accountability and to sack him.

Leave not granted.

I move:

That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent the Leader of the Opposition from moving the following motion forthwith:

That the House:

(1) expresses its grave concern that:

(a) the Albanese Government's catastrophic handling of the NZYQ High Court case has resulted in the mass release of hardened criminals from detention into the Australian community;

(b) the Government released child rapists, murderers, sex offenders, people smugglers, drug dealers and outlaw motorcycle gang members;

(c) many of these criminals are repeat offenders and are almost certain to offend again;

(d) the Minister for Immigration has now released 142 highly dangerous individuals, when the High Court's full reasons make clear he was only required to release the applicant NZYQ;

(e) the Minister for Immigration's agreement in May that there was no real prospect of NZYQ being removed from Australia in the reasonably foreseeable future was made before all resettlement options had been exhausted and led directly to the loss of the case;

(f) the Minister for Immigration claimed these criminals were on visas with strict conditions and then later admitted that those conditions were completely unenforceable;

(g) the Minister of Immigration lost one of those dangerous criminals for a week and refuses to take responsibility or to explain how this happened; and

(h) the Minister for Immigration claimed no legislative response was required and to this day is having to be forcibly spoonfed new laws by the coalition.

(2) condemns the Albanese Government for:

(a) causing the greatest failure of Australia's immigration system since 50,000 people, including NZYQ, arrived on more than 800 boats under Labor;

(b) catastrophically failing to prepare for a High Court decision, despite having almost six months warning;

(c) failing at every step following the court's decision to take the action necessary to keep Australians safe; and

(d) putting Australian lives at risk by undertaking a chaotic and uncontrolled mass release of hardened criminals into the community.

(3) calls on the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to resign or for the Prime Minister to enforce accountability and to sack him.

It's telling that this Prime Minister won't stand up to defend the hapless minister that is making Australian—


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