House debates

Thursday, 30 November 2023

Questions without Notice


2:15 pm

Photo of Julie CollinsJulie Collins (Franklin, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Small Business) Share this | Hansard source

team up with the Greens again to delay this life-changing legislation—five months of delays for people wanting the stability and the security of owning their own home. This delay shows that, yet again, the Leader of the Opposition again has nothing positive to offer the country. The opposition voted against cost-of-living relief when Australians are doing it tough, and now they're teaming up with the Greens to delay help for homebuyers. Over there, they talk a big game on homeownership, but now they're teaming up with the Greens yet again to stand in the way of Australians who want to own their own home. We want to help more Australians buy a home. The only thing they want to buy is more time to grandstand. We want to open the door to more Australians owning a home, but they just want to slam it shut. We want to give Australians the keys to a new home. They just want to lock them out.

Those opposite have said no to more social and affordable housing. They've said no to cost-of-living relief. And now, unbelievably, they're saying no to more homeownership for Australians that want to get into a home. We know what a difference Help to Buy will make, but we won't stop working hard so that more Australians have a safe, affordable place to call home. We want to help more Australians with the housing support they need—more help for homebuyers, more help for renters and more help for Australians who need a safe place to call home.


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