House debates

Thursday, 30 November 2023

Statements by Members

Climate Change

1:47 pm

Photo of Adam BandtAdam Bandt (Melbourne, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

Climate pollution under Labor is up. That's what the figures out today show. In a climate crisis, emissions under Labor have gone up 3.6 million tonnes this year. Labor are approving more coal and gas projects. Labor are gaslighting the country, telling people they're taking climate action while backing new coal and gas projects, in many instances using your money, public money. We know gas is as dirty as coal, and what the figures released today show is that the continued use and expansion of gas and the growth in LNG under this government is lifting pollution. Beetaloo, Scarborough, Barossa, Narrabri—these are all massive climate bombs that will dwarf any potential gains made under the government's scheme. Yet Labor is fast-tracking these new projects. Five new coal projects have been given approval by the government this year.

We also heard from the minister that the climate crisis is a security threat, which is right, and that means every new coal or gas project approved by Labor is putting this country at risk. The Greens will keep fighting to stop Labor opening up these new coal and gas projects. In a climate crisis and a cost-of-living crisis driven by these very same corporations that are fuelling both, we will stop Labor opening new coal and gas projects.


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