House debates

Thursday, 30 November 2023

Statements on Indulgence

Jabbour, Mr Ramzi

4:28 pm

Photo of Peter DuttonPeter Dutton (Dickson, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

I appreciate the opportunity to speak on indulgence and thank the Leader of the House. During my time as the home affairs minister, Ramzi Jabbour was a deputy commissioner of the Australian Federal Police. I had regular contact with Mr Jabbour in that role. He regularly briefed me on significant issues, including national security matters. Mr Jabbour had always impressed me as a person of outstanding character. He served the Australian Federal Police for 29 years with great distinction.

Mr Jabbour was subjected to an investigation and was subsequently totally cleared.

It was anomalous to me at the time because the allegations were completely out of character with the person that I knew. It was also unfair because it precluded him at the time from being considered for the role of commissioner. He would have been a strong contender for that position. I'm pleased but not surprised that Mr Jabbour had no case to answer, and he should stand today as a proud example to his sons and the Australian community as a police officer who served his country with great distinction and integrity.

I seek leave to table a letter to Mr Jabbour from ACLEI, which states in part, 'All matters have now been finalised with no adverse findings against you.'

Leave granted.

I table the letter.


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