House debates

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Matters of Public Importance

Albanese Government

3:42 pm

Photo of Sussan LeySussan Ley (Farrer, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Women) Share this | Hansard source

This was an important speech. Deputy Speaker, I thank you for reminding me. This was an important speech. It was a speech where the now Prime Minister was outlining what he would do and what Australians could expect under his leadership, and the contents of what he said left Australians at that time with no room for doubt. He concluded his speech with this crescendo of promises. He said:

Labor has real, lasting plans for cheaper electricity … cheaper mortgages …

He said:

We can do better than three more years of the Government that's brought us skyrocketing costs of living …

We have the worst inflation rate in two decades. Families are struggling, worried about the future.

…   …   …

… as your Prime Minister – I won't run from responsibility.

I won't treat every crisis as a chance to blame someone else.

I will show up, I will step up …

Well, poll after poll demonstrates that Australians feel like they're worse off today than when the Labor Party was elected 18 months ago. As they pass the halfway mark of this government, they can see what life is like under this Prime Minister. They're not liking what they're seeing. They're seeing a distracted and chaotic government, and a prime minister who goes missing in action when it matters most. We know these overseas trips are important; of course we do. But we also know the look of glee on the Prime Minister's face as he steps once more onto the red carpet and once more into his dedicated VIP aircraft and leaves the country.


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