House debates

Monday, 13 November 2023

Statements by Members

Petrie Electorate: Mueller College

1:57 pm

Photo of Luke HowarthLuke Howarth (Petrie, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Defence Industry) Share this | Hansard source

Mueller College in Rothwell within my electorate invited me to educate the year 7 cohort on parliament as part of their politics studies. I had the privilege of being able to bridge the gap between their classroom and Parliament House. The bright and engaged students spoke with me about how Parliament House is set up and they identified the differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate, how a bill is passed and some of the political differences within our major parties represented in this House.

We live in the best country in the world and our school students should be taught to be proud to be Australian and the gift that democracy is. The next generation, sitting in our classrooms and in the gallery here today, are our leaders of tomorrow. In a time when there is a strong woke agenda being pushed through our educational institutions it's our responsibility to ensure our kids are inspired to not just follow the crowd but to be informed and engage with our political dialogue. Radical views enshrined into our kids through the interference of the extreme left and the Greens party narrative celebrating identity and woke politics must be exposed for the dangerous and divisive views they are. There is no place for this in our educational system. It has never been more important to provide education and insight into the responsibility our young generation have for our country moving forward.

I thank the students of Mueller College for the opportunity to speak. It is my hope that my visit sparks the interest of future politicians, advocates and informed voters who will understand the power they have in shaping their society.


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