House debates

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Questions without Notice

Cost of Living

2:23 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for her question. Of course our No. 1 priority continues to be easing the cost-of-living pressures which are on families. The news today that we've created some 561,000 jobs since we came to office—a record for any new government—is a part of our objective. The figure of 3.6 per cent unemployment is very welcome. As the Treasurer just said, there have only been 19 times since records began where unemployment has had a '3' in front, and 16 of them have been under this current government.

But we're not just about supporting the creation of jobs; we're also about getting wages up. There's nowhere we did that where it's more important than in providing for a pay rise for aged-care workers and the increase in the minimum wage, which we supported.

In the first 18 months, we've delivered some $23 billion in measures to take pressure off Australians, through cheaper child care, increased rent assistance, boosting JobSeeker and the single parenting payment, fee-free TAFE, building more affordable homes and our energy bill relief plan. In addition to that, today we've introduced legislation for paid parental leave to be expanded to six months—more generous and more flexible, good for families, good for kids and good for our economy.

In less than two weeks, the next step in our plan to strengthen Medicare kicks in. Tripling the bulk-billing incentive, helping 11 million Australians see a doctor for free. This historic strengthening of Medicare comes on top of the cheaper medicines plan that we've put in place. Between January and September, the cheaper plan that we put in place has saved Australians $180 million on 16 million scripts, making an enormous difference, and 1 November will be an important day as well with the tripling of the bulk-billing incentive.

While we've been doing all of these positive measures, those opposite have continued to just say no to everything, opposing every action we have taken, with nothing positive to offer the country. But we are not deterred. We continue to engage by ensuring that Australians are looked after in what are very turbulent international economic circumstances. We will continue each and every day to work for Australia to make a positive difference.


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