House debates

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Constituency Statements

Eating Disorders

10:05 am

Photo of Jason WoodJason Wood (La Trobe, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Community Safety, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

I rise today to tell a story of resilience, love and the power of advocacy. It is a story about a constituent of mine who's watching as I make this speech, Mr Rob Evans, and who in April this year endured a heartbreaking tragedy. Rob's daughter, Liv, at the tender age of 15, tragically lost her battle with anorexia nervosa, a devastating illness that primarily affects young women and young girls. I extend my sincere condolences to Rob and his family for their unimaginable loss.

Liv grappled with anorexia for an agonising two years, which her family also went through. Her struggle is shared by countless other individuals worldwide, and in Australia alone it's estimated that 1 million are living with an eating disorder, but only a fraction receive the treatment they so desperately need. It's a sobering statistic that calls for attention and action.

Rob Evans has demonstrated incredible courage by discussing his daughter's battle with anorexia and body image issues, which he believes may have been triggered by bullying she endured at school. Rob's plea to us all is profound: we must consider the impact that our words and comments can have on others, especially during their vulnerable years of adolescence. Liv, as her father fondly remembers, was an animal lover with the world at her feet before the grip of anorexia took hold. Her ultimate passing has prompted Rob to re-evaluate the care Liv received, and on his reflection Rob has emerged as a passionate advocate for better health care for individuals suffering from eating disorders. Rob is urging federal and state governments to get involved and implement in-home intensive eating-disorder early treatment plans. This revolutionary approach would provide intensive home intervention for patients and families affected by eating disorders to prevent and reduce the length of hospital admissions, and offering real-time at-home support and coaching for stressed families. We would love to work with both the Albanese government and the Allan Labor government in Victoria.

It would be great to have and implement such a program at Casey Hospital, which is in a very large corridor in the south-east. I thank Rob for his tireless advocacy to improve health outcomes for individuals battling health disorders. You've gone through absolute hell, Rob but, rather than just walk away and try to make the most of your life, you've decided to take on the battle so other families don't have to endure the hell you went through.


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