House debates

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Questions without Notice


3:08 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I'll take the interjection because he said 'after we got more money'. The big complaint from the Greens party, after we announced the Social Housing Accelerator, was they didn't know about it. That was the complaint. 'Why didn't you tell us about it?' was what they said. What we will do, on this side of the House, is always take every single opportunity to put more money into public and social housing. That is what we will do, that is what we have done and that is why we work with states and territories as part of making sure that we get greater supply in housing.

Already, can I say, there's the Social Housing Accelerator. I have been with the former premier Daniel Andrews, who announced a significant program there in Melbourne to help housing supply in Victoria. I have started the Social Housing Accelerator program in Sydney as well, with the New South Wales Premier, Chris Minns. We went to the electorate of Banks to announce a classic example of something that should happen, which is for three dilapidated homes that were uninhabitable to be knocked over and to build, in their place, 11 or 12 purpose built one- or two-bedroom homes which older Australians can have. That will boost housing supply. After the former coalition government in New South Wales left office there was less public housing than there was when they came into office 12 years earlier. The Labor Party has, in our DNA, support for housing. We will continue to do so. (Time expired)


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