House debates

Monday, 16 October 2023

Questions without Notice

Australian Constitution

2:30 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

After a process in 2017, First Nations people, through the Uluru Statement from the Heart, those eloquent 440 words, issued an invitation to Australians to walk with them on the form of recognition they sought, which was recognition through a voice. There were then processes established, including, under the former government, the Calma-Langton report and other processes, such as the joint committee chaired by Patrick Dodson and Julian Leeser, to progress this issue. I said, before the election, on a range of occasions, as did both leaders—Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten—prior to 2019, that there would be advance on these issues. I was at Garma when the Minister for Indigenous Australians, Ken Wyatt, said that there would be a referendum held. I was there in 2019.

What occurred was that I fulfilled that commitment that I made. This wasn't out of convenience; it was out of conviction. I believe that when you make a commitment, including a commitment to Indigenous people, it should be fulfilled. I'll make this point. Across remote areas dominated by Indigenous communities, 'yes' recorded massive support: Wadeye, 92 per cent; the Tiwis, 84 per cent; Maningrida, 88 per cent; Mornington Island, 78 per cent; Yarrabah, 76 per cent; Palm Island, 74 per cent; and Leonora, 79 per cent. The fact is that it did not get—


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