House debates

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Constituency Statements

Australian Constitution: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice

9:51 am

Photo of Sam LimSam Lim (Tangney, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

History is paved with many challenges, and the true progress of our nation starts with the acknowledgement of our First Peoples. I know that, by working together for the 'yes' vote, we can make a positive difference in the lives of our First Nations brothers and sisters. On Sunday 27 August, my team, along with Yes23 and volunteers from across the state, hosted more than 600 diverse and energised attendees to the multicultural Yes23 WA launch at Murdoch University in my seat of Tangney. Communities across Perth came together to listen, learn and, most importantly, understand what it means to vote yes in next month's referendum.

I was accompanied at this event by my federal colleagues the Attorney-General the Hon. Mark Dreyfus, Minister Andrew Giles and Minister Anne Aly, along with state minister Buti, the Hon. Ayor Mayur Chuot, Kyra Galante, Amar Singh, Professor Andrew Deeks and Chanelle Van Den Berg. Their presence and their interaction with the community groups who were present highlighted the importance of this referendum and its impact on our beautiful Australia.

Those who came not understanding what the upcoming referendum was about were enlightened, compelled by the important message that stemmed from the Uluru Statement from the Heart. The Uluru statement was created as a result of the Referendum Council, jointly appointed by then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and leader of the opposition Bill Shorten in 2015. It was created by a collection of voices from Indigenous community leaders across our country who deserve to be heard.

The event was a resounding success, with feedback from those who came that they felt confident, inspired and informed enough to educate their friends and family members about why they will support the 'yes' vote at the upcoming referendum. I'm proud to say that our multicultural community in Perth are now better equipped with the understanding that, by voting yes, we vote for the progress and betterment of our country and its people. I look forward to the forthcoming referendum on 14 October and to the future pathway it shapes, and I hope that together we will vote to shape our country as one that truly acknowledges and values the past, present and future of all our citizens.


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