House debates

Monday, 4 September 2023

Constituency Statements

United Minds Community Service, Love in Action Wallan

10:57 am

Photo of Rob MitchellRob Mitchell (McEwen, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

What a pleasure it's been to be back home in our electorate of McEwen over these past few weeks. During that time I've taken the opportunity to see, amongst other things, the powerful impact programs like the Stronger Communities Program are having for so many community groups. It's through initiatives like this that was see firsthand how government can empower local organisations to make meaningful difference.

United Minds Community Service in Diamond Creek is a shining example of what can be achieved when financial support is channelled to those who need it most. United Minds is a not-for-profit charity founded by Melissa Duckmanton in 2013 as a community-based, bulk-billing psychology service with the purpose of bridging the gap in accessing mental health by removing financial burden. Today United Minds offers the community of Diamond Creek and surrounds a comprehensive psychology clinic which provides both psychological therapy and assessment by a complete range of mental health professionals.

United Minds's successful application in round 8 of the Stronger Communities Program has funded neurological assessment for children and adolescents, providing access to a service when many parents can't manage the costs for these tests. It's another example of how working with communities builds better outcomes and gets better results for people who need the support the most.

Another example of a community group having a powerful impact is Love in Action Wallan. Love in Action Wallan was created by Susan and Jeremy Scrivens in their Wallan living room back in 2016. After receiving support during their son's brain cancer journey, the couple wanted to give back to community and started helping six families who were doing it tough with food and essential items, sourced from donations from other community members. Since then, they have enlisted the help of friends and volunteers who now help over 300 families a year. For the last two years they have also hosted the Don't Spend Christmas Alone event, providing a place for people alone on Christmas Day to gather and share in the joy. I've joined both of those events, and I can tell you they were amazing examples of care and compassion in our community.

Love in Action Wallan represents a community helping each other. Food and essential items are donated by the community, placed in trolleys at collection points, and go out to families in need. Their successful application in round 8 of the Stronger Communities program allowed them to purchase two stand-up freezers and some much needed storage. These grants are not just about financial aid; they're about investing in the future of our communities, fostering resilience and ensuring that every Australian has the opportunity to thrive. They empower organisations to be able to assist those in need. As I said, it was great to be home and see these groups doing their important work. Our office has been very supportive; I want to point out that it was team McEwen that won the Love in Action trivia night again, beating the local newspaper by one point.


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