House debates

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Matters of Public Importance

Infrastructure: Regional Australia

3:17 pm

Photo of Darren ChesterDarren Chester (Gippsland, National Party, Shadow Minister for Regional Education) Share this | Hansard source

Apart from all of that, what has the coalition done for us? Apart from the Monty Python attack lines from this minister, it all falls flat on one critical point: the minister, who can't be bothered coming in here for a matter of public importance on her own portfolio, hasn't built anything. She really is a banana minister—builds absolutely nothing anywhere near anything.

Those of us who were here for the Treasurer's speech on budget night might have noticed one thing: he didn't mention the word 'infrastructure' once. He couldn't even bring himself to mention the word 'roads' once. But that hasn't stopped this minister from hitting the ground complaining and reviewing. She hasn't funded a single project of her own, so she's out there taking credit for the work of the previous government. This would be laughable if it wasn't so bad and so sad for regional Australians. The infrastructure and transport portfolio is so important for the future of rural and regional Australia. All this minister has been able to do in 15 months is announce a review into the infrastructure investment pipeline. She has been the minister for 15 months, and on her 90-day review—we're up to 110 days now, I think—we are still waiting for the outcomes of this razor-gang review.

This lack of support for regional Australians is reflected very obviously in the programs that have gone missing under this government. The minister is out there opening projects, taking credit, putting out press releases and saying how wonderful the local roads community infrastructure program is—she loved it so much, she abolished it. The Roads of Strategic Importance program—it's gone. The regional airports infrastructure program—that's gone. And the Treasurer stood here this week and admitted the Stronger Communities program is goneski as well. On this side of the House we actually trust regional people to make good decisions. That's why we believed in them to set local priorities and fund local projects. We believed in the future of regional communities and we invested heavily in them. Those opposite have just kept on cutting programs. It's because they don't want to support our regional people.

In closing, this lack of support for regional people has never been more obvious than in Victoria today. The most obvious example of that today is the Victorian Labor Party and its illogical, treacherous and bloody minded decision to ban the native hardwood timber industry in that state. What did we hear from those opposite, the once great champions of the working class? What we hear from them when Dan Andrews showed no respect to timber workers and cut the guts out of the industry? What did we hear from those opposite? Not a single word of complaint, not a whisper, not a murmur, not even a raised eyebrow—because that's the new Labor way. Old Labor could be trusted to fight for blue-collar jobs. The only thing that new Labor fights for is Greens preferences. The only thing they're interested in is Greens preferences. Those opposite know how true this is because, every time I've raised this issue in the parliament, they never stand up and take a point of order or raise a single word in defence of Australian timber workers.

Those opposite are simply too gutless to stand up to the Victorian Labor Party and say a single critical word, even when they know that this decision was based entirely on political science. It had nothing to do with environmental science, and it is devastating for regional communities not only in my electorate but right across regional Victoria. Their own colleagues are sneaking around the back trying to get motions up at their own federal conference to ban the entire industry across Australia. They're shaking their heads now and saying it's not true. Well, stand up and fight for the blue-collar workers right across regional Australia.

Let me give the Labor Party a little tip. If the Greens are cheering your decision, it's probably a very bad decision. If the light greens—sorry, the teals—are cheering you on, think again. The teals are just the Greens with trust funds. It's obscene to watch members from some of the most privileged communities in the nation demanding timber workers right across Australia lose their jobs. The teals and the Greens enjoy all the spoils of a life created from the hard work of regional Australians, but that doesn't stop them from trying to campaign to take their jobs away. This government has had 15 months in office, and all they've done is cut regional grants programs, whinge about the previous government and turn their backs on hardworking families in rural and regional Australia.


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