House debates

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Questions without Notice

Cost of Living

2:38 pm

Photo of Jim ChalmersJim Chalmers (Rankin, Australian Labor Party, Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

Those opposite made a mess of the economy and a mess of the budget, and now they are refusing to help us clean it up. They were part of the problem when it comes to the economy and now they refuse to be part of the solution. We know that because, at almost every turn, they have tried to block our efforts to help people through difficult times. They had a chance to vote for caps on gas prices. Instead, they voted for higher energy prices. They had a chance to help people with their electricity bills. Instead, they voted for higher electricity bills. They had a chance to help people with the cost of their medicine. Instead, they want to vote for even more expensive medicine for people with chronic conditions. They had a chance to help build more homes. Instead, they voted for fewer homes and therefore higher rents. If those opposite really understood the pressures that people are under, they wouldn't have voted again and again against helping them with their energy costs and their medicine costs, and they wouldn't have hidden, as the member for Hume did, the higher electricity costs from the Australian people.

If those opposite had any economic credibility whatsoever, they would acknowledge that rates were rising and quarterly inflation peaked back when the member for Hume was the worst minister in the worst government since Federation. If they had any credibility, they would acknowledge that inflation is moderating, we've got billions of dollars of help rolling out, we've got the first surplus in 15 years, and we've got half a million jobs created on our watch. The cost of living is the highest priority of this government, even if those opposite couldn't give a stuff. (Time expired)


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