House debates

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Questions without Notice

Climate Change

2:20 pm

Photo of Chris BowenChris Bowen (McMahon, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Climate Change and Energy) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the honourable member for her question, and we 100 per cent agree that methane is a very important issue. The honourable member is correct that it is a more difficult pollutant, over a period of time, than carbon is itself. That is 100 per cent correct. That is why we are engaging fully in the process of ensuring that our measurement of methane is accurate. It's not a simple matter, but we agree that there is a matter to be looked at.

We've signed the methane pledge, which is about countries working together to see methane emissions come down globally, but we also are looking at the particular matter of methane measurement to ensure it's accurate. I've sent references to various bodies, including the Climate Change Authority, the NGER process, to ensure that methane measurement is as accurate as possible. That is a genuine process, which is well underway, and I will update the House further when I have received further advice.


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