House debates

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Statements by Members

Fowler Electorate: Chaldean Community, Assyrian Martyrs Day

1:35 pm

Photo of Dai LeDai Le (Fowler, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

As many members in this House know, I love to shine a light on my community of Fowler—a diverse community. I'd like to highlight two significant cultural events that took place this week. The Australian Chaldean community was recently impacted as a direct result of unjust actions in Baghdad. The Eastern Rite Catholic community were rightly upset when their patriarch, Cardinal Louis Sako, was forced to abandon the Iraqi capital following President Rashid's decision to revoke a 2013 presidential decree that recognised the cardinal as the head of the Chaldean Catholics. The decision naturally drew widespread condemnation from Christians in Iraq and abroad, who fear the revocation is part of a longstanding campaign against the dwindling community. To the Australian Chaldean community in Fowler, know that I stand beside you. I support you. I call on the Iraqi government to end this religious persecution.

Similarly, my support extends to the Assyrian Australian community in Fowler, who mark their Martyrs Day on 7 August each year, honouring and remembering the 3,000 Assyrians who lost their lives at the hands of Iraqi military soldiers in the 1933 Simele massacre. I attended the Assyrian National Council Martyrs Day on the weekend and marked this important occasion with their president, Hermiz Shahen, and many community leaders as they paid tribute to those who have lost their lives. Thank you for educating our community on this significant date. I'm proud indeed to represent our community of Fowler.


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