House debates

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Matters of Public Importance

Cost of Living

4:11 pm

Photo of Rob MitchellRob Mitchell (McEwen, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I was a bit pained to sit here and think what I could talk about for this faux outrage of an MPI. Every day it's the same drivel, the same talking points, the same rubbish—all complaints no solutions. I listened to some of the rubbish previous members spouted, about us not putting our best foot forward to do things to support families, to try to tackle inflation—inflation that was left to us when they left office.

The member for Hughes raised an interesting point. He mentioned the Prime Minister had said, 'Go and talk to your bank.' Let's remember what the Liberal Party's idea was when interest rates were rising. Remember the former Prime Minister, standing up in this place, at that dispatch box, saying, 'Go and get rich parents'? That's the solution to a housing crisis. That's what we had under the former government.

Before we had the member for Bendigo make a very eloquent contribution, we had the member for Page make what I thought was a misogynistic attack on the member for Bendigo by saying she shouldn't be heard. But he sits there and says, 'We're sick of hearing excuses from the Labor Party.' There's another thing that hasn't happened over there. You've had the sook from Cook claim that robodebt wasn't his fault; it's everyone else's fault.

Let's go to one more thing. Those sitting opposite—particularly those on the frontbench who were sitting there laughing all the way through the member for Hughes' contribution—never apologised for deliberately misleading the Australian public when they hid the power price increases that we are facing today. You know that they always get—


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