House debates

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Matters of Public Importance


3:37 pm

Photo of Julian HillJulian Hill (Bruce, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I'll send them to you. Words don't convince them. They don't even want to see the pictures. But the major reason that the member for Wentworth can bring this motion is a decade of inaction on climate change—actually, maybe I misled the House. It's probably the second major reason. I'd say the member for Cook is the major reason. But certainly their inaction on climate change is the—

Honourable members interjecting

Let's never overstate our own part in these things! They had 22 failed energy policies, and they couldn't implement one of them. This government is acting. The No. 1 criterion to get power prices down is certainty for new investment. That is what they failed to provide for a decade. We're rewiring the nation. We're fixing the grid to create the conditions for renewable energy to move around the country. Remember the geniuses over there and the Snowy Hydro—the new battery? Except they forgot to fix the grid. It's like getting a new battery pack for your phone without the cable to plug into the network.


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