House debates

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Statements by Members


1:51 pm

Photo of Julian LeeserJulian Leeser (Berowra, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

When I'm at local sporting events, and visiting businesses and railway stations in my community there are three things I keep hearing about: No. 1, the economy, No. 2, the economy, and No. 3, the economy. The economic vice is tightening on Australians. More Australians are working two jobs. Every shopkeeper is dealing with closed wallets. We've long been told if you work hard and play by the rules, you'll get ahead, but not under this government—it's not true. Australians are working as hard as they can but the vice keeps tightening. Two budgets in, and the government still has no plan for inflation. Australians are working more but getting less for their efforts. Savings, the result of earlier work, are being corroded. Young people are finding it hard to save for homes. Older people are finding their savings aren't stretching as far. Families are in a financial vice, and it will tighten further as power prices increase by up to 29 per cent from 1 July and as interest rates continue to rise.

Already, the typical Australian family with a mortgage is $25,000 a year worse off than when this government took office. The Albanese government lacks a plan on inflation. The budget increased spending by $185 billion. The wages and spending policies of state governments are adding their own inflationary pressure, and continued RBA interest rate rises are signs it doesn't have confidence in the government's own settings. Australia needs a plan for inflation, one that gets spending under control, keeps the Public Service restrained and ensures the states play their part in reducing inflation.


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