House debates

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Questions without Notice


2:41 pm

Photo of Chris BowenChris Bowen (McMahon, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Climate Change and Energy) Share this | Hansard source

I thank my honourable friend for his question. I'm very pleased to tell him that, on 1 July, just like in so many other policy areas, there will be real and material relief provided by the Albanese government when it comes to cost of living. In relation to energy, there will be more than five million houses right around Australia that receive energy bill relief. Mr Speaker, I'm very pleased to inform the honourable member for Blair and your good self, sir, that 1.1 million of those households will be in Queensland, and the average bill relief received—increase avoided—for Queensland families will be $819. That's for those families that receive the rebates—the impact of our coal and gas caps and our bill relief that was legislated last December and was opposed by those opposite. Those opposite opposed that relief for 1.1 million Queensland households. They opposed the bill relief right across Australia. That relief also applies to small businesses. There are around a million small businesses that will receive relief, and 205,000 of those businesses are in the great state of Queensland—205,000 businesses that will receive bill relief and reduced bills as a result of the action of the Albanese government in Queensland that was opposed by those opposite.


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