House debates

Monday, 19 June 2023

Questions without Notice

Australian Constitution

2:50 pm

Photo of Linda BurneyLinda Burney (Barton, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Indigenous Australians) Share this | Hansard source

BURNEY (—) (): I thank the member for the question. We should all reflect that, just on Monday, the Productivity Commission brought down a report on the Closing the Gap targets, and it told a terrible story. We are elected into this place to represent everybody, and to do that is also to understand these statistics. The life expectancy gap is not on track. It is not okay that my life expectancy is eight years shorter than the deputy's. It's not okay. It is not okay that, for children who are doing year 12, the outcomes will not be as good for First Nations students. It is not okay that babies are born at unhealthy birth weights. That is not okay. I visited a community last week where there were 30 people living in a two-bedroom unit. That is not acceptable. This is why the Voice is important. This is why it will make a practical difference on the ground. This will make a very practical difference.


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