House debates

Monday, 19 June 2023


Petitions Committee; Report

10:01 am

Photo of Susan TemplemanSusan Templeman (Macquarie, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I present the 11th report of the Standing Committee on Petitions for the 47th Parliament.

The report read as follows—


Petitions and Ministerial Responses

19 June 2023


Chair Ms Susan Templeman MP

Deputy Chair Mr Ross Vasta MP

Mr Sam Birrell MP

Ms Alison Byrnes MP

Ms Lisa Chesters MP

Mr Garth Hamilton MP

Ms Tracy Roberts MP

Ms Meryl Swanson MP

Report summarising the petitions and ministerial responses being presented.

The committee met in private session in the 47th Parliament on 10 May 2023, 24 May 2023, 31 May 2023 and 14 June 2023.

1. The committee resolved to present the following 43 petitions in accordance with standing order 207:

Petitions certified on 10 May 2023

From 5 petitioners—requesting the cessation of ethnic discrimination in handling the Afghan Humanitarian visa applications (EN5031)

From 33 petitioners—requesting the cessation of the habitual systemic failure of the real estate industry (EN5033)

From 3 petitioners—requesting that IMMI Account Ensure be 100 per cent operational from 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday (EN5034)

From 19 petitioners—requesting Centrelink payments and domestic violence (EN5041)

From 279 petitioners—requesting a federally funded scheme for customers affected by the builder's liquidation (EN5044)

From 9 petitioners—requesting the cessation of inequality of funding for psychology (EN5045)

From 55697 petitioners—requesting Australia rejects amendments to the 75th WHA/WHO International Health Regulations (EN5048)

From 5 petitioners—requesting that Skill Assessment not be expired. (EN5055)

From 10 petitioners—requesting that mental health medications in Australiabe banned (EN5057)

From 12 petitioners—requesting that all unions pay tax now (EN5058)

From 23 petitioners—requesting no Apartheid in Australia / racist Voice (EN5059)

From 37 petitioners—requesting the B.O.M. publish accurate Australian temperatures (EN5060)

From 3 petitioners—requesting Prime Minister must attend the NATO Summit in July 2023 (EN5061)

From 29 petitioners—requesting a Royal Commission into price gouging of petrol prices be established (EN5062)

From 9 petitioners—requesting the flood-proofing of Cabonne (EN5065)

From 8 petitioners—requesting the purchase of nuclear powered vessels including submarines be banned (EN5066)

From 54 petitioners—requesting an inquiry into the cost of living crisis (EN5068)

From 17 petitioners—regarding Peter Dutton's eligibility to sit. (EN5069)

From 152 petitioners—regarding voting No to the Voice (EN5070)

From 35 petitioners—requesting the flying of foreign flags on government property be banned (EN5071)

From 29 petitioners—requesting more research and resources for eating disorders such as anorexia (EN5075)

From 3 petitioners—requesting a limit on the number of petitions per individual (EN5076)

From 33 petitioners—requesting the Stage 3 tax cuts be scrapped (EN5077)

From 1278 petitioners—requesting the national newborn screening election commitment be implemented as promised (EN5078)

From 342 petitioners—regarding living costs and jobs creation in relation to offshore gas exploration (EN5079)

From 12 petitioners—requesting the removal of the 60 days dispensing proposal from the May Federal Budget (EN5080)

From 79 petitioners—regarding the fighting in Sudan (EN5081)

From 15 petitioners—requesting it be made mandatory for Australian banks to implement 2FA and login alerts (EN5083)

From 14963 petitioners—requesting an increase for research scholarship rates for PhD students (EN5085)

From 16 petitioners—requesting vary preferential voting in the Senatebe varied (EN5087)

From 8 petitioners—requesting a permanent Army presence in the Northwest of Australia (EN5088)

From 21 petitioners—requesting the gross income for the GST threshold be increased (EN5089)

From 12028 petitioners—requesting fenfluramine be added to the PBS for patients with DRAVET Syndrome (EN5090)

From 21 petitioners—requesting independent pharmacies be saved (EN5091)

From 1381 petitioners—requesting no funding for the AFL stadium in Tasmania (EN5092)

From 265 petitioners—requesting TSMIT for current 491 visa holders and pending applicationsbe kept (EN5093)

From 7 petitioners—regarding another PR deportation in full breach of M32/2022 and S81/2022 (EN5096)

From 54 petitioners—regarding the nuclear submarines and AUKUS deal (EN5099)

From 19 petitioners—requesting funding of scientists to resolve the climate threat to the Earth (EN5101)

From 34 petitioners—requesting vaping not be banned (EN5102)

From 802 petitioners—requesting the cessation of federal funding for Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 4 (EN5103)

From 146 petitioners—requesting CGM for all insulin-dependent diabetics including Type 2 diabetics be full subsidised (EN5105)

Petition certified on 14 June 2023

From 6556 petitioners—regarding Australia's duty of care to people in Australia seeking asylum (PN0563)

2. The following 42 ministerial responses to petitions were received:

Ministerial responses received by the Committee on 24 May 2023

From the Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services to a petition regarding taxation laws relating to Total and Permanent Disability insurance payments in superannuation (EN3932)

From the Speaker to a petition regarding the Member for Cook and his eligibility to sit as a member of Parliament (EN4361)

From the Speaker to a petition regarding the prayers read at the commencement of each sitting of the House of Representatives (EN4367)

From the Minister for the Environment and Water to a petition requesting a review to identify a plan to mitigate major floods in the New South Wales area (EN4377)

From the Minister for Health and Aged Care to a petition requesting a national public inquiry into the Australian Government's handling of future health pandemics (EN4629)

From the Minister for Industry and Science to a petition requesting the creation of a Volume 4 to the NCC (National Construction Code) that relates solely to Social Housing (EN4633)

From the Special Minister of State to a petition regarding federal elections and compulsory voting (EN4658)

From the Minister for Health and Aged Care to a petition requesting a Commonwealth Royal Commission into the COVID-19 Pandemic response in Australia and an Australian Human Rights Commission inquiry into the violation of human rights on a federal, territory and state basis (EN4670)

From the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to a petition regarding government services eligibility and residential property acquisition for certain visa (EN4709)

From the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to a petition requesting the provision of permanent residency to international students who studied onshore during the COVID-19 pandemic (EN4718)

From the Minister for Foreign Affairs to a petition regarding the incarceration of the five members of the group known as the 'Bali Nine' (EN4721)

From the Minister for Industry and Science to a petition requesting increases to the Medicare rebate (EN4729)

From the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to a petition regarding processing times of the Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) provisional visas (EN4780)

Ministerial responses received by the Committee on 31 May 2023

From the Minister for Housing to a petition regarding the HomeBuilder application deadline (EN3294)

From the Special Minister of State to a petition regarding reforms to Australia's electoral environment and government accountability (EN4099)

From the Minister for Housing to a petition requesting the extension of the deadline for submissions of documentation for HomeBuilder (EN4611)

From the Minister for Social Services to a petition regarding social welfare payments for cancer patients (EN4653)

From the Minister for Veterans' Affairs to a petition regarding the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits (DFRDB) scheme (EN4659)

From the Attorney-General to a petition regarding publicly funded psychiatric and psychological assessments that have been ordered by the court in family law cases (EN4705)

From the Attorney-General to a petition regarding child sexual abuse (EN4736)

From the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to a petition requesting the removal of section 48 of the Migration Act 1958 and work visa applicants (EN4765)

From the Minister for Health and Aged Care to a petition regarding tick-borne illnesses (PN0556)

Ministerial responses received by the Committee on 14 June 2023

From the Treasurer to a petition requesting for businesses to accept all legal tender including cash (EN2315)

From the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to a petition requesting to process on hand subclass 887 Skilled Regional visa applications in chronological order (EN3882)

From the Minister for Home Affairs to a petition regarding the release of Mr Mehdi Ali and other transitory persons from immigration detention (EN3920)

From the Minister for Home Affairs to a petition regarding indefinite detention of refugees (EN3933)

From the Minister for Home Affairs to a petition regarding freedom for refugees (EN3945)

From the Minister for Home Affairs to a petition regarding Australia's asylum seekers policy (EN4260)

From the Minister for Home Affairs to a petition regarding the impact of COVID-19 on temporary visa holders and pathways to permanent residency for temporary visa holders (EN4327)

From the Minister for Home Affairs to a petition regarding processing time standards for the Australian Border Force (ABF) (EN4352)

From the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to a petition regarding the validity period for the Professional Year program, English test scores and the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters' (NAATI) Credentialed Community Language (CCL) test score (EN4508)

From the Minister for Housing to a petition regarding rental affordability and legislation for property investment zones (EN4574)

From the Assistant Treasurer to a petition regarding identity protection for finance applications (EN4582)

From the Minister for Home Affairs to a petition requesting a change in Australia's asylum seekers policy (EN4613)

From the Minister for the Environment and Water to a petition regarding funding for supporting soft plastic recycling (EN4634)

From the Minister for the Environment and Water to a petition regarding biodegradable soft plastics (EN4640)

From the Minister for Financial Services to a petition regarding the regulation of baby walkers in Australia (EN4651)

From the Minister for Housing to a petition regarding the HomeBuilder grant document cut-off date (EN4691)

From the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury to a petition requesting the application of tests for the true purpose of money raised during online fund raisers (EN4696)

From the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations to a petition requesting mandatory requirements for businesses to have an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) (EN4699)

From the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury to a petition requesting to make changes to the Census and statistics Act 1905 to legally mandate the inclusion of LGBTIQA+ data within the Census (EN4848)

From the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury to a petition requesting the addition of a question to the 2026 Census concerning one's COVID-19 vaccination status (EN4862)

Ms Susan Tem pleman MP

Chair—Petitions Committee


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