House debates

Monday, 19 June 2023

Statements by Members

Petition: Apollo Bay Powerlines

4:42 pm

Photo of Dan TehanDan Tehan (Wannon, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship) Share this | Hansard source

I speak today to lay down a petition from the residents of Apollo Bay. They want the powerlines to Apollo Bay undergrounded. What has happened when there are weather events, whether they're natural disasters or bushfires, is that they tend to have the power go out. They would like, for the safety of the town and also for the safety of the power supply, the powerlines to be undergrounded to Apollo Bay. I'd like to thank Sally Cannon. She has been the organiser of this petition. She has also called for powerlines in regional and rural Victoria, especially in bushfire-prone areas where there are going to be changes or upgrades, to also be put underground. It means then that you don't run the risk, when there are high-wind days and high-temperature days, that you're going to get bushfires. It's also environmentally a lot friendlier. More and more in regional and rural Victoria in particular are we seeing requests to see powerlines undergrounded come in. There are 420 paper signatures. There are 172 electronic signatures. I seek leave to table this petition.


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