House debates

Monday, 19 June 2023

Statements by Members

Schools: Civics Education

4:36 pm

Photo of Andrew WallaceAndrew Wallace (Fisher, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

You might call me a frustrated speaker or a frustrated teacher, but I love and relish every opportunity to get out into my electorate and talk to schools about civics. We are an incredible country. We are so lucky to live in Australia. I love talking to school students about our system of government, our system of politics and law. In the last month alone, I have faced my own question time and presented flags to students at Caloundra Christian College, Talara Primary College, Siena Catholic Primary School and Glenview State School.

I know that our teachers work really hard and have a crammed syllabus, so this is no criticism of them, but our kids get such a small window of opportunity to learn about civics in this country. Is it any wonder that, as they become adults, they really don't understand our system of government? So, to teachers in schools in my electorate and across the country, I say: call upon your federal MPs, ask them to come in and talk to your students, and help them to help teach you and the kids about the civics that we have in this country. You won't regret it. It will be great for the kids.


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