House debates

Thursday, 15 June 2023

Statements by Members

Parliamentary Standards

1:40 pm

Photo of Kylea TinkKylea Tink (North Sydney, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

Deputy Speaker Claydon, it's great to have you in the chair as I rise to deliver this statement today, because it's been a bruising week in parliament and I wanted to reflect on the behaviour in this place and how it meets, or not, the expectations of our communities. Yesterday my team took a call from a woman who had seen me stand during question time on Tuesday. I stood up then to call out what I saw as completely inappropriate, disorderly conduct and to remind everyone in this place that there are real people with lived experience of sexual violence here in this building and others beyond these walls who may be dismayed and retraumatised by our actions. This debate has been driven by party politicking and, while there may be questions to be answered, I believe Australians expect better of us. As leaders of our community, we must deal with difficult issues with respect and sensitivity. To reduce these conversations to bombastic cross-chamber yelling reduces us all. Yesterday's caller said in a shaking voice: 'This is so dangerous. They're playing with fire. Who knows what state of mind the key players are in?'

The shocking allegations of 2019 led to the Jenkins review, which ultimately led to the development and endorsement of the first ever code of conduct for parliamentarians and their staff. But codes are only as effective as the people who uphold them. The behaviour of the past week shows us that we have a long way to go to change the culture of this place, but we must. I call on my fellow parliamentarians: revisit the code, refresh your memory and reset our standards of behaviour in this place.


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