House debates

Wednesday, 14 June 2023


Trade Support Loans Amendment Bill 2023, Student Loans (Overseas Debtors Repayment Levy) Amendment Bill 2023; Second Reading

12:07 pm

Photo of Sam LimSam Lim (Tangney, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I want to give my support to the Trade Support Loans Amendment Bill 2023, a life-changing piece of legislation that amends the Trade Support Loans Act 2014. It has the aim of enhancing access to income-dependent loans for apprentices and trainees across our country. This bill holds the power to shape the future of our nation, workforce and economy. These amendments are not merely minor adjustments, they are a big step towards a fairer and more inclusive future for our apprentices and trainees. By expanding eligibility for these loans, we can provide much-needed support to those who strive to make meaningful contributions to our workforce.

As we are all aware, our country is currently facing significant challenges, with shortages of skills and labour across industries that are vital to the health and wellbeing of our fellow Australians, and the prosperity of our economy. These shortages have not gone unnoticed, and it is our duty to find effective solutions that address this pressing issue. This bill seeks to do just that by introducing measures to facilitate the expansion of the longstanding trade support loan program.

We can provide much-needed support to apprentices, and, what's more, these amendments will ensure that loans become available to apprentices and trainees in priority non-trade sectors for the first time, including those in female dominated apprenticeships. By making these loans accessible to female apprentices, we can break down barriers and empower women to pursue careers in fields traditionally dominated by men. This not only enhances gender diversity but also brings fresh perspectives and skills to industries that desperately need them.

Under this bill, the Trade Support Loans Act will be amended to ensure that apprentices and trainees in priority occupations, including non-trade occupations, can benefit from these income-contingent loans. This expansion of eligibility marks a significant milestone as we embrace apprenticeships in sectors such as aged care, child care and disability care, acknowledging their important role in our society. To reflect this expanded eligibility and improved flexibility, we have rebranded the loan scheme from trade support loans to Australian apprenticeship support loans. This change highlights our commitment to being inclusive and recognising that apprenticeships extend far beyond the traditional trades. By expanding the eligibility of all these loans, we can provide much-needed support to those who strive to make a meaningful contribution to our workforce. It demonstrates the Albanese Labor government's understanding that all apprentices, regardless of their chosen occupation, deserve equal opportunity for success.

In addition to expanding eligibility, these amendments also seek to improve the administration of the scheme. We understand that apprentices face various challenges, including meeting the daily cost of living. These amendments address this concern by providing apprentices with the necessary support to meet their financial needs while pursuing their training. The available loan amounts are tapered over the life of the apprenticeship in recognition of the lower wages in the first few years of training.

Furthermore, the bill includes provisions to backdate trade support loan payments. This measure is designed to provide immediate support to apprentices and prevent the potential for them to miss payments due to administrative errors. We recognise the importance of timely and accurate support and we are committed to ensuring that our apprentices receive the assistance they deserve when they need it most. By enhancing access to income-contingent loans, improving administration and expanding eligibility, we are creating a more supportive and nurturing environment for our apprentices and trainees which will contribute to the chances of them succeeding and completing their training.

We must acknowledge the importance of investing in our future workforce. By providing adequate support and resources to apprentices, we are laying the foundation for a prosperous and thriving nation. We are not only empowering individuals to achieve their full potential but also to strengthen our economy as skilled professionals contributing to productivity and economy growth.

As I stand before you to discuss the Trade Support Loans Amendment Bill, I feel compelled to share a personal story that demonstrates the transformative power of training and education. Like many of you, I have experienced firsthand the life-changing impact that comes from acquiring new skills and knowledge. My journey began years ago when I embarked on a quest to learn English at my local TAFE. As a new migrant with a family to support, I knew that, for me to get a job here in Australia, I needed to learn the English language. It was a humble beginning, but it laid a foundation for a path that would shape my future. With newfound language skills, I pursued training in typing and basic computer skills.

These seemingly small steps propelled me forward, equipping me with the tools necessary to embark on a career that I have long dreamed of—a career in law enforcement. Through dedicated training and unwavering determination, I became a police officer, serving the community for more than 15 years. From the streets to the police station, I witnessed firsthand the critical role that skill development plays in fostering safety, security and justice in our society.

My journey within the police force was not without challenges, but it was through ongoing training and professional development that I was able to advance my career from a probationary constable to a sergeant. I had the opportunity to lead and inspire others, working collaboratively to make our neighbourhoods safer and more resilient. Now, as a member of this esteemed parliament, I stand before you a testament to the life-changing power of training and education. My journey, which began with English language courses at TAFE, led me to this moment, a moment when I have the privilege to support an initiative such as Trade Support Loans Amendment Bill.

I share this personal experience not to boast but to emphasise that training and education have the power to shape lives, create opportunities and drive progress in our communities. The Trade Support Loans Amendment Bill aims to do just that, to provide Australian apprentices and trainees with the resources to support their needs to succeed in their chosen careers. It is a bill that understands the transforming nature of training, as it expands access to income-contingent loans and ensures fairness across a broader range of occupations. The Albanese Labor government is sending a clear message that apprentices' and trainees' contributions to our society are valued and that we are invested in their success.

In closing, I urge each and every one of you to support the Trade Support Loans Amendment Bill 2023. Let us come together to empower our apprentices and trainees, irrespective of their chosen occupation, and provide them with the necessary tools and opportunity to thrive. By doing so, we not only shape the lives of individuals but also ensure the prosperity and wellbeing of our country.


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