House debates

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Constituency Statements

Bradfield Electorate: Health Care

4:07 pm

Photo of Paul FletcherPaul Fletcher (Bradfield, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Government Services and the Digital Economy) Share this | Hansard source

I rise to speak concerning the availability of Medicare funded licences for magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, in and serving my electorate of Bradfield. MRI is a non-invasive imaging technology which produces three-dimensional, detailed anatomical images. It's an essential tool, allowing medical professionals to identify problems in soft tissues without the need for surgery or the use of x-ray, with its attendant radiation.

I recently met with my constituent, Professor Marcus Stoodley, professor of neurosurgery at Macquarie University Hospital, Australia's only university owned and run hospital. Professor Stoodley has been trying in vain under this government to apply for a licence for an MRI so that patients can access the Medicare rebate. The work undertaken at Macquarie University Hospital is at the forefront of medical research in Australia, and the hospital has a strong reputation for leading treatments incorporating the use of MRIs. For these reasons people from across Australia with complex medical needs travel to the Macquarie University Hospital for this specialist treatment. However, such travel, of course, is very expensive, particularly at a time when costs of living are rising.

I made representations on behalf of Professor Stoodley and the Macquarie University Hospital to the Minister for Health and Aged Care. Each year, of course, I send hundreds of representations to ministers on behalf of the people of Bradfield. I get a range of responses back, and I do want to acknowledge that in many cases the response is constructive and the minister shows a willingness to engage with the issue in good faith. I have to say, however, that I was rather disappointed by the response I received from the minister for health when I wrote to him about this issue on behalf of Professor Stoodley. I was told that difficult decisions had been made as to where the government had decided to invest in Medicare. Clearly, the implication from that is that the government is not inclined to make decisions to invest in the provision of an MRI machine in a manner that would best serve my constituents in Bradfield. It's an unfortunate and unsatisfactory outcome and, I think, something to be regretted.

I particularly fear that the decision of this government not to grant an MRI licence to Macquarie University Hospital will have the consequence of impacting on the research output from this extremely impressive institution with very highly qualified staff. So I call upon the minister to reconsider the decision he's taken and consider whether an MRI licence could be provided to Macquarie University Hospital.


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