House debates

Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Questions without Notice

Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Voice

2:56 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

That process then led to a report that went to the cabinet of the Morrison government not once but twice.

This is a process that has been many, many years in the making, leading up to this. We also, I note, established a time frame very clearly for people when I indicated that there would be a draft, which I announced at Garma last July. We then had a process through a referendum working group that included people like Ken Wyatt, the former minister for Indigenous affairs, which came to a common position. It then went to the parliament here. It's unfortunate that decisions were made—but they're entitled to do that—before that process had even reported to this parliament. The legislation will now go to the Senate, and then it will go to the Australian people. The Australian people will get to decide, and I certainly hope that they vote 'yes' in the last quarter. (Time expired)


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