House debates
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Infrastructure Australia Amendment (Independent Review) Bill 2023; Consideration in Detail
9:53 am
Tony Pasin (Barker, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport) Share this | Hansard source
I'm certain that if we had a regional officer at Infrastructure Australia, or someone connected to regional Australia, as one of the three commissioners appointed by the minister, they would be cognisant of how important the following programs are. Roads to Recovery is now under review. This is a program that has existed and operated continuously since 2001—so 22 years. With programs like Bridges Renewal, Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity, and the national road maintenance network, a commissioner from regional Australia would understand their importance.
But, I've got to tell you, the one that sticks in my craw a little bit is a program that dates back not to 2001 but to last century, to 1996. At a time when our nation is facing, sadly, an unprecedentedly high number of road deaths on our national road network, $110 million a year of continuous funding going to the black spot road safety program is under review. Surely the minister could have indicated, 'I want to undertake a root-and-branch review, but certain programs are absolutely off limits—Roads to Recovery and the black spot program at the absolute bare minimum.' A commissioner for regional Australia sitting on the Infrastructure Australia board would deliver that message to the minister, and she wouldn't find herself in the relatively hot water she now finds herself in. If she doesn't think it's hot right now, wait till she engages with the local government sector over the course of the next short while. Wait until she engages with state road transport ministers. They're angry, and they will be talking to her. (Time expired)
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