House debates

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Questions without Notice


2:39 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for Durack for her question. This is a budget that is calibrated to support our economy, to support businesses, to support small business, to support people, such as single mums and people on JobSeeker, who are doing it really tough, but also with a range of measures designed to help people in middle Australia. I refer to the fine answer of the member for Lilley, speaking about her personal experience with child care. Don't people in middle Australia use child care? We're going to decrease the cost of child care.

As a direct result of this government's budget, five million Australians will pay less on their power bills. Five million Australians will receive bills that are less as a direct result of the energy price relief plan that passed this parliament, with those opposite all voting against it. It is something that, between us and the states and territories, will contribute $3 billion to lower those power bills. Those opposite voted against it, and this week they've been out there saying: 'Oh, we were for it the whole way. We were always for it. We were always with you. We just didn't vote for it.'

More than a million families will be paying less for child care, and 11 million Australians will be paying less to see a doctor. We know that, if the Leader of the Opposition had had his way, nobody would have been able to be bulk-billed, because he proposed its abolition by having a fee on everyone who visited a doctor.

In the first four months of this year, Australians paid $76 million less for their prescriptions because of our cheaper medicines plan. And because of this budget six million Australians will pay less for their medicines. Tonight, I look forward to finding out if those opposite are in favour of those six million Australians paying less for their medicines or not.

As a result of our budget, 480,000 Australians will pay zero for their TAFE courses. Because of us, 250,000 aged-care workers will get paid more. Because of our submissions, the Fair Work Commission has agreed also that those on the minimum wage will get paid more. Under our government, we're looking after people wherever they live, whatever their income, whoever they are. (Time expired)


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