House debates

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Questions without Notice

Consumer Confidence

2:57 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

The idea that—happy Pete's off again, Mr Speaker. He tries so hard. His minders tell him that the research says he's got to be more cheerful, but he's just incapable. He's just incapable of doing it. What we're doing is a range of things that will assist Australians. That's what the National Reconstruction Fund is about: new industries and new jobs. Those opposite just say no to that.

We just heard from the housing minister about the measures that are there in the Housing Australia Future Fund and the specific measures that are there from the veterans' affairs minister to help our veterans. But they say no to that as well. They had the opportunity to vote with the government on energy price relief and they voted against that as well, last December. On every measure, those opposite just say no to any measure that is put forward that is going to make a positive difference. They come in here, they talk the economy down and they talk Australia down. Remember when our industrial relations legislation was being debated? They said that would be the end. We'd all have general strikes by now. Where are they? They just run a scare campaign, but nothing's so scary as their lack of ambition for Australia. (Time expired)


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