House debates
Tuesday, 29 November 2022
Questions without Notice
Aged Care
2:55 pm
Anika Wells (Lilley, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Aged Care) Share this | Hansard source
I would love to, Mr Speaker. The royal commission actually made 148 recommendations to improve aged care. The then government achieved only nine of them in 15 months to improve aged care. This lack of work, this lack of delivery and this lack of output was there despite the fact that they had three ministers in charge of aged care at the time. They had Senator Richard Colbeck, the actual minister for aged care; they had the Hon. Greg Hunt, Minister for Health and Aged Care; and they had the then prime minister Scott Morrison as the Minister for Health, undermining or presiding over the health portfolio, depending on whether or not you're a Niki Savva source.
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