House debates

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Matters of Public Importance


4:00 pm

Mr Christensen:

I rise today to voice the concerns of my constituents. The people of Dawson are extremely nervous and fearful of the rising cost of living. Today, the Reserve Bank has again lifted interest rates, making this the fifth increase in five months. Australians with a $500,000 mortgage are paying on average an extra $600 per month compared to interest rates in April of this year. This is an increase of $150 that families need to find each and every week.

Back in March 2022 the coalition government provided relief for Australian families by bringing in the 22c fuel excise reduction. I am calling on the Albanese Labor Government to continue this fuel excise reduction. In my electorate of Dawson we have limited public transport options and long-distance travel is part of everyday life. Fuel is a huge weekly expense for regional Australians. Groceries have also significantly increased in price at the checkout. Families are being forced to make a choice between putting fuel in their car or food on the table. I don't think that that's fair.

And what about the insurance premiums in my part of the world? They are outrageous, leaving thousands of residents with no choice but to live uninsured or at risk. North Queenslanders are still waiting for the Labor Albanese government to implement the $10 billion Reinsurance Pool. While north Queenslanders dread the looming cyclone season, the insurance companies continue to profit from this indecisive, no-plan government.

Energy prices are ever increasing, and Australian families and businesses are struggling with soaring power prices, yet nothing is being done to increase our baseload capacity or supply. In fact, this current government, who are bowing to the Greens, are taking away reliable and affordable options.

We are all in fear of what the next 12 months will bring with these cost-of-living pressures. I am constantly asked by the constituents, 'What is the government's plan?' So I stand here today to urge the Albanese Labor government to get a plan instead of reintroducing industrywide bargaining, industrywide disputes and strikes, which will ultimately lead to higher unemployment, less profitability within businesses and a negative impact to the overall Australian economy. I ask the Prime Minister: could he stand by his word and please give me Australians the $275 reduction to their power bills that he promised.

This promise was made 97 times after December 2021. Before the election, Mr Albanese said:

I will say this very clearly. They—

meaning Australians—

will be better off under a Labor government …

Again, this is just another Labor broken promise.

The Treasurer says there's no credible economic forecast in Australia right now that thinks that wages growth is going to keep up with inflation. Inflation under the Albanese government is running at 6.1 per cent. This is the highest rate of inflation in almost 32 years. This is the highest rate of inflation since Labor's recession that we 'had to have', apparently. The independent parliamentary budget confirmed that the Labor government's policies will result in higher debts than deficits. They did not even submit all their policies to the Parliamentary Budget Office for costing despite their saying that the policies were fully costed. The Assistant Treasurer is out there predicting hyperinflation and more strikes, and that is not what Australians need right now. The Prime Minister tells us he has a plan. The Prime Minister has promised us a plan. So please tell me—and the people of Dawson: what is the plan?


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