House debates

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Grievance Debate

Ryan Electorate: Young Community Leader Award

5:23 pm

Photo of Julian SimmondsJulian Simmonds (Ryan, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

Indeed I do have a grievance, and that is that there is just not enough time to acknowledge all the wonderful young achievers and community leaders in the electorate of Ryan. I'd like to try and rectify that tonight. Each year I run the Young Community Leader Award, where local schools nominate students who have gone above and beyond within our community. The award recognises some of our talented young leaders, who are the future of our community and are making incredibly important contributions to our local area, both within their own school and the broader community.

The award is given to students who have shown a commitment to leading positive change, and, with your indulgence, I'd like to speak to some of the efforts of the recipients of the Young Community Leader Award. First is Eli, in year 4 at Brookfield State School. Eli promoted, organised and supported a food drive to support Community Friends, a non-profit organisation that helps people who are homeless and those in need. Community Friends helps by giving people food, clothing, shoes, blankets and support. It's a fantastic cause to support. Well done, Eli, for your community spirit and for looking after those who are less fortunate than we are.

Kaylee is in year 6 at Ferny Grove State School. Kaylee is a passionate and friendly student who exemplifies inclusivity for all. She regularly engages in opportunities to offer service to the community and support local fundraisers. Kaylee has taken on the role of environmental advocate in the school community. Kaylee, for your leadership within both your school and the wider community, congratulations on this award.

I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting a young lady, affectionately known as Mif, in year 4 at Grovely State School. She coordinated with Artforce Brisbane to have an Indigenous artist visit the school and help the students to design an Aboriginal artwork on the electrical box on Dawson Parade outside the school. It's a beautiful painting that I've seen in person. I was glad to visit last week to give her the award. She should be very proud of her organisational efforts in assisting her fellow students to participate in a practical reconciliation activity and also to brighten up that old electrical box on Dawson Parade.

Charli is in year 5 at Hilder Road State School. Charli and her sister Holly make up the Gap's Wacky Wildlife Sisters, as they call themselves. They are budding conservationists who are committed to engaging in activities within the local community that promote sustainability practices. The sisters created the Great Gap Fashion Swap and were named as finalists in the WasteSMART Brisbane Awards. Congratulations to Charli and her sister Holly on this fantastic work. You had the initiative to set up your own special conservation initiative and see that be promoted, be so successful and already be award winning in our local community.

Thomas is in year 6 at the Kenmore State School. Tom uses his initiative to lead school projects. He has been instrumental in further developing the school's student buddy program, the recycling initiative and the STEM innovation projects. As school captain, he demonstrates the school values and is an excellent role model for all students at Kenmore State School. Well done to you, Thomas. You've obviously been recognised as a student leader by your peers, but, with the initiatives that you're leading, you're going above and beyond for our wider community as well, and I sincerely congratulate you for that.

Mitchell is in year 6 at the wonderful Upper Brookfield State School. Mitchell leads by example and is a reliable and dependable presence at the school. He is dedicated to ensuring that all of the jobs that need to get done are done with no fuss, making the school a positive place for all. When I go and talk to students about leadership, particularly those in primary school, I talk to them about the fact that you don't have to wear a badge to be a leader. We can all be leaders in our own school. Every time you pick up a piece of rubbish, every time you invite somebody new to play with you, every time you ask a friend if they are okay, you're showing leadership. Mitchell is one of those students at Upper Brookfield State School who is always thinking of others and always just gets the job done in a no-fuss way. Well done, Mitchell. Keep up the very good work. It's pleasing to see some recognition for your quiet achievements.

Mikey is in year 6 at Our Lady of Assumption, OLA. Again, I had the pleasure of meeting this young man who is an outstanding leader inside and outside the school community. He is passionate about the future of the planet and he has been instrumental in initiating change to the OLA community, with a focus on students' emotional and social wellbeing. Mikey is an outstanding school captain at OLA. I know he has some very proud parents, whom I had the great pleasure of meeting, who are also a fantastic support for his efforts. Well done, Mikey, particularly in supporting your fellow students. As we've been through the COVID pandemic over the last 18 months, it has been so important to check in on each other and make sure that you're doing okay, and your focus on welfare, in particular, was very impressive.

Aiden is in year 6 at the Brisbane Independent School. As a senior student, Aiden is a leader and continually thinks of how he can advocate for change within the school. He regularly co-hosts whole-school meetings. He organised a 2021 survey of the student body to identify what equipment the kids wanted at the school and he helped to fundraise for the new equipment. Aiden also coordinated a mobile muster, which recycled old and unwanted phones. Finally—as if that wasn't enough; Aiden has done quite a lot!—Aiden coordinated an appeal to have the student toilets refurbished to ensure students feel safe and welcome. Well done, Aiden, particularly on the democratic way you went about achieving change—surveying your fellow students and then raising the funds for the work. It's an incredible achievement.

Matthew is in year 9 at Brisbane Boys College. Matthew is the semester 2 president of the middle-school leaders. He has overseen the Containers for Change initiative, something that many members of this House are familiar with, promoting recycling in his school community. Matthew, along with the BBC middle-school leaders, are on track to raise at least $1,000, which will be donated to charity at the end of this year. Well done, Matthew, on your community spirit and for looking out and raising funds for those who are less fortunate than ourselves, as well as for your practical leadership of your fellow students.

Rachel is in year 12 at St Peters Lutheran College, which is where my wife went. It's an excellent school. Rachel is an outstanding leader inside and outside the school community. As a college vice-captain, she has helped lead the school through various challenges and opportunities throughout the year. She has had a positive influence on her peers and the wider community. She always seeks to support and encourage others. She goes above and beyond in her service to the school. Well done, particularly on inspiring your fellow students. Leadership, as most of us in this place know, is not about the accolades that you can achieve for yourself or what you can achieve on your own; it's about the way you inspire those around you to also achieve and to accomplish the best that they are able to.

Willow is in year 10 at Glenleighden School. This is a special school with very wonderful kids who overcome a lot of odds to be successful. Willow is always one of the first ones to put her hand up to help. Willow has done more than 80 hours of community service for Rosies this year, helping to make food and toiletry packs for the homeless. Willow has completed her food-handling course at TAFE to assist in serving lunch for patrons at Rosies. Well done, Willow. Well done not only for your service, but also for taking the initiative to get additional training for yourself so that you can help further.

Jack is in year 12 at Mitchelton Special School. Jack is a real young leader for his school community, and he is the vice-president of the senior cohort. He has worked hard across several work experience opportunities locally, and always looks out for others at school, and encourages safe, respectful behaviours. He shows the characteristics that I know will see him make a remarkable impact in all that he does. Well done, Jack.

Indiana is in year 10 at Brigidine College. Indiana is one very busy student. She is a member of the Enviro Club, the St Vincent de Paul Society group and has received an academic excellence award. She works tirelessly to support the aims and objectives of the service clubs she is in at college, and is a credit to the school. Well done, Indiana.

Chloe is in year 10 at Brigidine College. She is another busy rock star of year 10 at Brigidine! She is in the Justice and Democracy Group, the model United Nations club, the Enviro Club and the St Vincent de Paul Society group, and she gives her all to each and every one.

And finally, Grace and Connor are both in year 12 at Mount Maria College. They are described by their principal as generous and diligent in their leadership. Congratulations on everything that you are achieving.


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