House debates

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Questions without Notice

Climate Change

2:00 pm

Photo of Scott MorrisonScott Morrison (Cook, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

If you have the right plan—if you have technology, not taxes; if you don't have a carbon tax; if you actually have a plan that respects people's choices rather than forces their choices; if you have a balance of technologies, a portfolio of technologies, that can get to scale and that can get to an affordable cost; if you can ensure that you get the balance right between affordable and reliable energy; if you don't rush the plan and you allow those technologies to develop; if you have your transmission fuels in place to ensure you keep the lights on and the costs down; and if you have a credible plan with the proper transparency Australia is well known for—it can be a great positive for Australia. But, if you take the approach that those opposite took when they were in government, which put in place a carbon tax—

Opposition members interjecting

I note that Labor senator, Senator Gallagher, has belled the cat that a carbon price from Labor is back on the table. So, ultimately, in anyone's ambitions to achieve net zero, it's all about the plan. It's all about the economic plan and who Australians would trust with the economic plan that can take Australians through what will be a very challenging time and who they can trust to really look after rural and regional Australia—who they can really trust to do that. And they know that they can't trust the Labor Party on these issues. At the last election, they took a policy to the election—


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