House debates

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Statements by Members

Teal Ribbon Day

1:59 pm

Photo of Katie AllenKatie Allen (Higgins, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Teal Ribbon Day, which raises ovarian cancer awareness, is on 24 February. Last week I had the great privilege of hearing from Caitlin, a brave young woman who shares her hopes and dreams for beating this deadly disease. Every day four women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Tragically, every day three women will die. We need to make sure we continue to provide support. That is exactly what the Morrison government is doing, with an extra $1 million announced last week. Let's make ovarian cancer history so that Caitlin, and mums like Caitlin, can watch her two gorgeous children become mums themselves. Who knows which one of us might next be affected.


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