House debates

Monday, 19 October 2020



3:29 pm

Photo of Tony SmithTony Smith (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

I'd just say to members that, in terms of the cooperation of the House, the resolution has been passed, and whilst of course it stipulates all other business not proceed and this take priority—it might help that the Manager of Opposition Business was back here. The resolution has been passed; that's obviously not at issue. His motion stipulates that the House now deal with those matters. There are practicalities, as you've seen before at various times, where those on the left have argued certain numbers of bills should be present for people to be able to participate. Because it has come on very suddenly, the legislation just isn't here. The House staff are seeking to get it all quickly. I'm just going to put a proposition to the House and then hear from the assistant minister. If we want to just wait, we can sit here and wait and I can have whatever sort of discussion you'd like to have. What we do have is not government business—there's no government business left—but there are a couple of committee reports.

Mr Gosling interjecting

The member for Solomon can leave under 94(a). I'm not going to have people barking at me from the back of the chamber.

The member for Solomon then left the chamber.

The assistant minister has been seeking the call.


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