House debates
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Reid Electorate: Chinese Australian Services Society
4:59 pm
Fiona Martin (Reid, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source
I'm so fortunate to be the member for Reid, an electorate so rich in cultural diversity and people from different backgrounds. Being the member for Reid is like travelling around the world in one day; it truly is. I rise today to discuss the innovative work of the Chinese Australian Services Society in my electorate. CASS is a community based not-for-profit service that provides comprehensive care to those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, focusing in particular on people from the East Asian community. The excellent work that CASS provides in Reid cannot be understated. They offer culturally and linguistically tailored services, including residential aged care, home ageing services, disability services, vocational education and training, and childcare services. CASS has made good use of the government's Early Learning Languages Australia program and has reaped fantastic results. I am so proud of the work CASS is undertaking and I have no doubt that the unique way in which they deliver their services will have a broader and more positive effect on the community that we live in. Many people in Reid benefit from these services and we can all learn from the intergenerational approach they use to developing community connection.
House adjourned at 17:00
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