House debates

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Questions without Notice

Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction

2:45 pm

Photo of Tony SmithTony Smith (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

Not in the question. It certainly wasn't in the question.

Honourable members interjecting

Members up the back, you're really not helping your own colleagues, let alone the chamber.

Mr Husic interjecting

The member for Chifley, just end your conversation with yourself. The Leader of the House is essentially raising a legitimate concern about potential sub judice. Without pulling out the page of the Practice, I had cause very early on in my speakership to deal with this issue almost on a daily basis. Given where proceedings are at, if I can put it that way, I don't want to use too many words you'd find in the Practice that that question wouldn't offend that rule—simply asking a minister whether they stand by a statement they've made in the House. So I'll call the minister.


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