House debates

Monday, 21 October 2019

Statements by Members

Chisholm Electorate: Headland Machinery

1:49 pm

Photo of Gladys LiuGladys Liu (Chisholm, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Last Friday, I was delighted to attend Headland machinery's 70th anniversary in my electorate of Chisholm. I was thoroughly impressed with Headland's story of success in Australia. Businesses like Headland are vital to Australia's continued economic success, and it's great to celebrate their achievements. During the evening, I was given a full tour of Headland's facilities by their managing director, Annaliese Kloe. Annaliese stated that Headland is doing extremely well and one of their associated businesses is planning to double their workforce over the coming year.

The coalition government has promised to create 1.25 million jobs over the next five years, and this is how we are going to do it—hand in hand with businesses in our communities. This is an incredible real-life example of what is happening under the coalition government's plan for a stronger economy.

I would like to thank the Kloe family for their invitation to speak. I'd like to let them know that this coalition government is on their side.


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