House debates

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Questions without Notice


2:47 pm

Photo of Scott MorrisonScott Morrison (Cook, Liberal Party, Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

The member opposite has just demonstrated again why those opposite are not able to manage a transitioning economy, if they cannot manage the most basic of concepts. In today's national accounts—this is the real issue today—0.8 per cent was the quarterly growth in household final consumption, and there was 2.2 per cent growth in dwelling investment. I raise those two points for a particular reason. One of the reasons our economy is performing so well at the moment is the confidence in the household sector. What those opposite would do, with their policy, when it comes to the most important asset that Australians own—their own home—is that they would undermine confidence. They would undermine confidence in their own financial position, which is the reason that currently, with the reverse of that—with the increase in confidence—we are seeing the household sector perform so strongly.

Of the 0.6 per cent growth in the economy in that last quarter, the contribution of the household sector was 0.4 per cent. But the other one I highlighted is dwelling investment. I know you are not interested in the economy—


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