House debates

Thursday, 22 October 2015


Customs Amendment (China-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2015, Customs Tariff Amendment (China-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2015; Consideration in Detail

12:25 pm

Photo of Adam BandtAdam Bandt (Melbourne, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

I hear what the minister is saying about the regulation and the commitments that have been made about whether or not that regulation will change. Firstly, as well as a number of other issues, this is something that our relevant spokesperson has been pursuing in the Senate since day one, so this ought to come as no news to anyone—because we have been pursuing it with the department, pursuing it with everyone. Secondly, I heard what the minister said about IFAs in his opening words, and the scare campaigns, as he calls them. The minister may not have heard what I said in my opening words: I am not talking about those. I am talking about the other stream of visas, apart from IFAs, and the fact that that is not dealt with in any of the matters that have been traversed with the Labor Party in their agreement. I take it from what the minister says that there is an acceptance that I am right—that the holes that are there with respect to non-IFAs, just the ordinary stream of visas, still remain and are not dealt with in the exchange of letters.


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