House debates
Monday, 14 July 2014
Questions without Notice
Carbon Pricing
2:41 pm
Tony Abbott (Warringah, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source
I am delighted to get a series of questions from the opposition on the carbon tax, because when it comes to the carbon tax we are against it and after the election we are doing what we said we would do before the election. They are for it and they are acting completely contrary to what they said they would do before the election. Let's be absolutely crystal clear: if you get rid of the carbon tax, you remove a nine per cent impost on power prices, a $9 billion a year hand break on our economy and a $550-a-year hit on the average household. We want to save the average household money; that is why we want to terminate the carbon tax. We will not just claim that we will terminate the carbon tax, we will. We will not rest until this toxic tax is gone. Even if it does go this week as it should, members opposite will want to bring it back.
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