House debates

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Selection Committee; Report

3:18 pm

Photo of Ms Anna BurkeMs Anna Burke (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

I present report No. 81 of the Selection Committee, relating to the consideration of committee and delegation business and private members' business on Monday, 1 June 2012. The report will be printed in the Hansard for today and the committee's determination will appear on tomorrow's Notice Paper. Copies of the report have been placed on the table.

The report read as follows—

Report relating to the consideration of committee and delegation business and of private Members' business

1. The committee met in private session on Tuesday, 28 May 2013.

2. The committee determined the order of precedence and times to be allotted for consideration of committee and delegation business and private Members' business on Monday, 3 June 2013, as follows:

Items for House of Representatives Chamber (10.10 am to 12 noon)


Presentation and statements

1 Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade:

Australia ' s trade and investment relationship with Japan and the Republic of Korea.

The Committee determined that statements on the report may be made—all statements to conclude by 10.20 am.

Speech time limits—

Ms Saffin 5 minutes.

Next Member speaking—5 minutes.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 5 mins]



1 MR BANDT: To present a Bill for an Act to amend the Broadcasting Services Act 1992, and for related purposes. (Broadcasting Services Amendment (Advertising for Sports Betting) Bill 2013) (Notice given 28 May 2013.)

Time allotted—10 minutes .

Speech time limits—

Mr Bandt 10 minutes.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 1 x 10 mins]

Presenter may speak for a period not exceeding 10 minutes—pursuant to standing order 41.

2 MR KATTER: To present a Bill for an Act to maintain Australian ownership of Australian agribusiness and land, and for related purposes. (Australian Ownership Bill 2013) (Notice given 28 May 2013.)

Time allotted—10 minutes .

Speech time limits—

Mr Katter 10 minutes.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 1 x 10 mins]

Presenter may speak for a period not exceeding 10 minutes—pursuant to standing order 41.

Orders of the day

1 MS SMYTH: Resumption of debate (from 29 October 2012) on the motion of Ms Smyth—That this House:

(1) recognises the reliance of many families and individuals across our community on penalty rates as a key component of their income, particularly our lowest-paid workers;

(2) acknowledges that work-life balance is important to the health and welfare of workers, families and our community;

(3) recognises that penalty rates often compensate workers for time they may otherwise spend with family; and

(4) opposes measures that would remove or undermine penalty rates.

Time allotted—60 minutes .

Speech time limits—

All Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 12 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

Notices - continued

3 M R OAKESHOTT : To move:

That this House expresses full confidence in the:

(1) Department of the Treasury, and Department of Finance and Deregulation;

(2) Treasury Secretary, Dr Martin Parkinson and Finance Secretary, David Tune; and

(3) following words by Treasury Secretary, Martin Parkinson: 'I can say on behalf of David Tune, the Secretary of the Department of Finance and myself—and get this right—were PEFO [the Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Outlook] to have been released on the 14 May, it would have contained the numbers that were in the budget.' (Notice given 28May 2013.)

Time allotted—remaining private Members ' business time prior to 12 noon.

Mr Oakeshott—5 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes. each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 4 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

Items for House of Representatives Chamber (8 to 9.30 pm)


Notices - continued

4 M S MARINO : To move:

That this House:

(1) acknowledges that:

(a) cyber-bullying and inadequate cyber-safety poses a significant threat to the welfare and security of all Australians, especially young people; and

(b) this threat will increase with new technology and greater connectivity; and

(2) calls on the Government to enhance cyber-safety education in all Australian schools. (Notice given 12March 2013.)

Time allotted—50 minutes .

Speech time limits—

Ms Marino 10 minutes.

Next Member speaking—10 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 10 + 6 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

5 M R BOWEN : To move:

That this House:

(1) notes that:

(a) the Assyrian population of Iraq continues to suffer persecution ten years after the fall of Saddam Hussein; and

(b) in 2003 there were nearly 1.4 million Christians in Iraq, but due to deaths and forced emigration, this figure has fallen to around 500,000;

(2) calls on the Government of Iraq to establish an autonomous province in the Nineveh Plains region to provide a haven for Assyrians and all other historically Christian people, for the continuation of their linguistic, cultural and religious traditions. (Notice given 27May 2013.)

Time allotted—remaining private Members ' business time prior to 9.30 pm.

Speech time limits—    Mr Bowen—10minutes.

Next Member speaking—10 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 10 + 4 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

Items for Federation Chamber (approx 11 am to approx 1.30 pm)


Orders of the day

1 VOICE FOR ANIMALS (INDEPENDENT OFFICE OF ANIMAL WELFARE) BILL 2013: ( Mr Bandt ): Second reading ( from 27 May 2013. ):

Time allotted—20 minutes .

Mr Bandt 5 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 6 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.


1 M r Ruddock : To move:

That this House:

(1) recognises that:

(a) Christian Assyrians, a minority religious and racial group in Iraq, are subject to ongoing violence, intimidation, harassment and discrimination on religious and ethnic grounds;

(b) on 31 October 2010, 58 Christian Assyrians were killed in an attack on a church in Baghdad, in an act of violent extremism targeting this minority group;

(c) Christian Assyrians are actively discriminated against by having their land illegally occupied and transferred to squatters;

(d) 600,000 Christian Assyrians have now fled Iraq, including many thousands to Australia; and

(e) Assyrians remaining in Iraq are denied many basic human rights and subject to ongoing harassment, intimidation and discrimination;

(2) condemns violence, intimidation, harassment and discrimination on religious and ethnic grounds wherever it may be found, including in Iraq; and

(3) calls upon the Australian Government to raise the significant human rights concerns of Christian Assyrians with the Iraqi Government. (Notice given 27November 2012.)

Time allotted—50 minutes .

Mr Ruddock 10 minutes.

Next Member speaking—10 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 10 mins + 6 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

Orders of the day - continued

2 MS PARKE: Resumption of debate (from 17 September 2012) on the motion of Ms Parke—That this House:

(1) commends the Government for its four year commitment to provide $50 million to support the global eradication of polio;

(2) notes:

(a) that in February 2012, India was removed from the list of countries where polio remains endemic, proving that eradication strategies are effective when they are fully implemented and that polio can be eradicated even in the toughest circumstances, and there has not been a single reported case of polio in India since January 2011;

(b) that polio eradication should, wherever possible, be part of routine immunisation efforts to improve population immunity for all priority, vaccine preventable childhood illnesses;

(c) that there are now only three countries in the world where polio has never been stopped, namely Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria, and unless the polio program is fully funded and emergency plans are implemented as planned, polio could make a comeback in countries that are currently polio-free;

(d) estimates show that global re-infection over time could result in as many as 200,000 children per year being paralysed;

(e) that the Global Polio Eradication Initiative currently faces a funding shortfall of US$945 million for the full implementation of its 2012-13 Emergency Action Plan, and this has caused immunisation campaigns to be cancelled or scaled back in 33 countries in Africa and Asia, leaving more children vulnerable to the disease and increasing the risk of the international spread of polio; and

(f) the recent landmark resolution by the Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly declaring the completion of polio eradication, a programmatic emergency for global public health, with member states highlighting the feasibility of eradication in the near-term, while expressing concern at the ongoing funding gap threatening success; and

(3) encourages the Government to continue to support efforts to deliver a polio-free world and to encourage other countries to do likewise.

Time allotted—remaining private Members ' business time prior to approx. 1.30 pm.

First 2 Members speaking—10 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 10 + 10 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

Items for Federation Chamber (approx 6.30 pm to 9 pm)


Notices - continued

2 MR L. D. T. FERGUSON: To move:

That this House:

(1) notes that:

(a) 14 February marked two years since the outbreak of the 2011 period of major unrest in the Kingdom of Bahrain;

(b) the 2011 unrest in Bahrain has been characterised by a mass protest movement calling for constitutional, political and election reform;

(c) since the beginning of the protest movement in Bahrain, there have been reports of ongoing human rights violations against opposition figures, demonstrators and medical practitioners at the hands of the authorities, including fatalities and arbitrary political arrests; and

(d) there have been reports of acts of violence against the State, resulting in injury and, in some cases, fatalities;

(2) welcomes the resumption of Bahrain's National Dialogue on 10 February 2013 as a positive step towards political and related reform and reconciliation, and urges all parties to commit fully to the process and to reject violence; and

(3) calls on the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain to:

(a) follow through on its commitment to full implementation of the recommendations of the November 2011 report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry on human rights violations during the 2011 unrest;

(b) release political prisoners who were arrested arbitrarily, investigate new reports of human rights abuses and bring the perpetrators to justice;

(c) respect the human rights of its people including the right to freely protest and the right of medical staff to give unhindered treatment to those injured while protesting; and

(d) commit to genuine reform that addresses the legitimate concerns and aspirations of the people of Bahrain. (Notice given 13March 2013.)

Time allotted—30 minutes .

Mr L. D. T. Ferguson 5 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 6 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

3 Mr Christensen: To move:

That this House:

(1) notes that:

(a) the Australian sugar industry is one of the world's most efficient and innovative producers and exporters of sugar and the leader in the adoption of sustainable farming practices;

(b) Australia is the third largest exporter of sugar in the world;

(c) there are some 6000 cane growers in Australia with more than 4000 farms growing sugar that operate along Australia's eastern seaboard; and

(d) the sugar industry directly and indirectly supports 40,000 jobs in Australia, underpinning the economic stability of many coastal communities, and is the social fabric that has woven itself through the development of coastal townships up and down the coast; and

(2) expresses concern about claims that sugar is 'toxic'; and

(3) rejects calls for a tax based on the content of sugar in a particular food product. (Notice given 19March 2013.)

Time allotted—40 minutes .

Mr Christensen 10 minutes.

Next Member speaking—10 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 10 + 4 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

Orders of the day—continued

3 MS HALL: Resumption of debate (from 11 February 2013) on the motion of Ms Hall—That this House:

(1) acknowledges that the Government has a positive reform agenda for older Australians and is delivering enormous commitment and investment in aged care and promoting positive aged care issues by:

(a) increasing the aged pension;

(b) reforming the aged care system; and

(c) helping older Australians stay at work longer; and

(2) calls on all Members to support the reforms and guarantee support for older Australians.

Time allotted—50 minutes .

All Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 10 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

4 M ARRIAGE EQUALITY AMENDMENT BILL 2012 ( Mr Bandt ): Second reading—Resumption of debate (from 27May 2013.)

Time allotted—20 minutes .

All Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 4 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

5 M ARINE ENGINEERS QUALIFICATIONS BILL 2013 ( Mr Wilkie ): Second reading—Resumption of debate (from 27May 2013—Mr Fitzgibbon, in continuation).

Time allotted—remaining private Members ' business time prior to 9 pm.

All Members—5 minutes. each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.


3. The committee recommends that the following items of private Members' business listed on the notice paper be voted on:

Orders of the Day—

Tax Laws Amendment (Disclosure of MRRT Information) Bill 2013 (Mr Hockey);

Proposed East West Link in Melbourne (Mr Tudge);

Chemotherapy Drugs (Mr Dutton);

University Funding (Mr Bandt); and

Fair Work Amendment (Tackling Job Insecurity) Bill 2012 (Mr Bandt).


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