House debates

Monday, 21 November 2011


Police Overseas Service (Territories of Papua and New Guinea) Medal Bill 2011; First Reading

Debate resumed on motion by Dr Stone:

That this House:

(1) notes that:

(a) in the 2011 Budget, the Labor Government announced t he extension of the Exceptional Circumstances Exit Grants program as part of its drought assistance measures;

(b) less than 6 weeks into the extended 52 week program, the Government announced that funds had run out;

(c) this Exit Grant was often the only means by which some farm ers could exit their farms with sufficient support to transition to a new livelihood;

(d) many farmers who applied and were assessed as eligible for th e grant, proceeded to put their farms on the market, and had sold their farms through exchange of contracts, prior to the announcement that the funds have now run out;

(e) many of these farmers, on the basis of the Exit Grant support, have made financial commitments to buy alternative accommodation so they can transition to their new locality and employment; and

(f) many of these farmers who trusted the Governmen t's commitment and Centrelink's documentation approving their eligibility are now in dire financial straits with no capacity to borrow, no income, and no opportunity to become re-established; and

(2) calls on the Government to provide the Exit Grant to the farmers tha t have sold their farms through exchange of contracts by 10 August 2011, and were eligible under the guidelines for the exit grant had funding not run out.


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