House debates

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Amendment Bill 2011; Report from Main Committee

Bill returned from Main Committee with amendments; certified copy of the bill and schedule of amendments presented.

Ordered that this bill be considered immediately.

Main Committee's amendments—

(1) Schedule 2, item 68, page 32 (line 11), omit "the issue of", substitute "surrender under".

(2) Schedule 2, item 74, page 33 (line 23), omit "the issue of", substitute "surrender under".

(3) Schedule 2, item 82, page 35 (line 7), after "magistrate", insert "or, if a court made the order releasing the person on bail, before that court,".

(4) Schedule 2, item 128, page 42 (lines 21 and 22), omit "the extradition country, to a person appointed by the extradition country", substitute "New Zealand, to a person appointed by New Zealand".

(5) Schedule 3, item 112, page 75 (lines 22 and 23), omit "that a person in a foreign country is capable of giving assistance that", substitute "carrying out a forensic procedure on a person in a foreign country".

(6) Schedule 3, item 112, page 76 (lines 3 and 4), omit "a person in a foreign country is capable of giving assistance in relation to", substitute "carrying out a forensic procedure on a person in a foreign country may result in evidence relevant to".


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