House debates

Thursday, 23 June 2011


Defence Houses at Eaton, Northern Territory

Debate resumed on the motion:

That this House:

(1) notes:

(a) that Darwin is currently experiencing the worst housing crisis since Cyclone Tracy, and the Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Member for Lingiari, supports the plans to demolish or remove the houses in Eaton; and

(b) the significant adverse impact the demolition or removal of 396 defence houses at Eaton will have on the local community, local school and local businesses; and

(2) calls on the Government to:

(a) excise the Darwin suburb of Eaton from RAAF Base Darwin;

(b) hand over the 396 houses managed by the Department of Defence in the Darwin suburb of Eaton, to the Defence Housing Authority (DHA); and

(c) direct DHA as a matter of priority, to develop and implement a business plan that would determine the percentage of the 396 houses in Eaton that could be made available for lease or sale to the local community in order to help address the critical housing shortage.


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