House debates

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Questions without Notice


2:54 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Leader of the House) Share this | Hansard source

I certainly am, Mr Speaker, because as Leader of the House I was asked directly about the importance of e-communication to members of parliament. I understand the embarrassment of those opposite with regard to these issues. They say of course that it was not personal. Well, the member for Calare missed a division just this morning, so I am sure there will be an email out there bagging him, as well, just like the member for Wentworth got an email about this issue.

But so divided are those opposite that they had to issue a press release saying that the shadow minister was having dinner with the shadow Treasurer on Tuesday night. They are so divided that they cannot bring themselves to engage in a debate about the National Broadband Network. You cannot say that the National Broadband Network is a significant piece of infrastructure in this country and then have nothing to say for it. But we know that the member for Wentworth was given the job of wrecking the NBN. And I note that the Leader of the Opposition was out at a wreckers earlier today. How appropriate that the wrecker was at a wreckers earlier today.


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